Kingdom Earl Marshal: Ardan Scot of Clann Scot | marshal@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Armoured Combat: Duke Gareth Kincaid | heavyweapons@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Rapier: Clewin Kupferhelbelinc | rapier@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Target Archery: Alrekr Bergsson | targetarchery@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal: Anastasie de Lamoure | thrownweapons@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Deputy Cut & Thrust: Gytha Oggsdottir | cutandthrust@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Deputy Combat Archery: Zoe Akropolitina | combatarchery@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Equestrian Marshal: Michael of Northwood | equestrian@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Deputy Siege Combat: Rosalia Iuliana Andre | siege@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Youth Combat: Andriú mac Domhnaill | youthcombat@marshal.aethelmearc.org
Kingdom Deputy Youth Rapier: Irene von Schmetterling | youthfencing@rapier.aethelmearc.org
Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you wish for peace, prepare for war. - Vegetius