Group |
Heavy |
Rapier |
Archery |
Thrown Weapons |
Equestrian |
Youth |
Abhainn Chais Ghlais |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
[link to Archery Practice] |
[link to Thrown Weapons Practice] |
Angel’s Keep |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
Ballachlagan |
Beau Fleuve |
Blackstone Mountain |
[Check Facebook Page] |
[Check Facebook Page] |
Blackwater |
Coppertree |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
[link to Archery Practice] |
[link to Thrown Weapons Practice] |
Courtlandtslot |
[Check Facebook Page] |
Debatable Lands |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
[link to Archery Practice] |
[link to Thrown Weapons Practice] |
[link to Equestrian Practice] |
[link to Youth Combat Practice] |
Delftwood |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
[link to Archery Practice] |
[link to Thrown Weapons Practice] |
Endless Hills |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
Hartstone |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
Heronter |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
Hornwood |
Hunter’s Home |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
King’s Crossing |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Thrown Weapons Practice] |
Misty Highlands |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier practice] |
Myrkfaelinn |
[link to Rapier practice] |
[link to Archery Practice] |
Nithgaard |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier practice] |
Port Oasis |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
Rhyderrich Hael |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
Silva Vulcani |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
[link to Archery Practice] |
St. Swithin’s Bog |
[Check Facebook Page] |
[Check Facebook Page] |
[Check Facebook Page] |
[Check Facebook Page] |
Steltonwald |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
[link to Archery Practice] |
Sterlynge Vayle |
[view calendar] |
[view calendar] |
Stormsport |
Sunderoak |
Sylvan Glen |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
[link to Target Archery Practice]
[link to Combat Archery Practice] |
[link to Thrown Weapons Practice] |
[link to Equestrian Practice] |
[link to Youth Fighting Practice]
[link to Youth Rapier Practice] |
Thescorre |
[link to Heavy Practice] |
[link to Rapier Practice] |
[link to Archery Practice] |
[link to Thrown Weapons Practice] |
[link to Youth Fighting Practice] |
Wyntersett |
[link to Heavy Practice] |