Kingdom Earl Marshal Officer Roster

all email addresses end in

Earl Marshal Ardan Scot of Clann Scot email marshal
Rattan Marshal Maynard von dem Steine email heavyweapons
Region 1 Heavy Weapons Deputy Gareth Kincaid email region1heavyweapons
Region 2 Heavy Weapons Deputy Haldan Rauthkinn email region2heavyweapons
Region 3 Heavy Weapons Deputy Salvidor Moro di Madici email region3heavyweapons
Region 4 Heavy Weapons Deputy Ardan Scot of Clann Scot email region4heavyweapons
Region 5 Heavy Weapons Deputy Zvonimir Zavodchikov email region5heavyweapons
Steel Fighting Deputy Malcolm MacEoghainn email rebated steel
Combat Archery Marshal Zoe Akropolitina email combatarchery
Siege Marshal Rosalia Iuliana Andre email siege
Youth Fencing Provost Irene von Schmetterling email youthrapier
Youth Combat Marshal Metheus Weasel email youthcombat
Rapier Marshal Clewin Kupferhelbelinc email rapier
Region 1
Rapier Marshal
Ichijo Honen email region1rapier
Region 2
Rapier Marshal
Mathias al Tabai email region2rapier
Region 3
Rapier Marshal
Andreas Jager von Holstein email region3rapier
Region 4
Rapier Marshal
Miriel du Lac email region4rapier
Region 5
Rapier Marshal
Michael Gladewyne email region5rapier
Cut & Thrust Marshal Gytha Oggsdottir email cutandthrust
Deputy Fencing Marshal Clewin Kupferhelbelinc email deputy.rapier1
Deputy Fencing Marshal Cyrus Augur email deputy.rapier2
To email both Rapier Deputies email
Archer General Alrekr Bergsson email targetarchery
Deputy Archer General Snorri skyti Bjarnarson email archery.deputy
Region 1 Deputy Alfonso de Santo Domingo email region1targetarchery
Region 2 Deputy Godzimir the Golden email region2targetarchery
Region 3 Deputy Brada AEthelwald email region3targetarchery
Region 4 Deputy Caleb Reynolds email region4targetarchery
Region 5 Deputy Gnaeus Iulius Celsus email region5targetarchery
Pennsic Archery Deputy Snorri skyti Bjarnarson email pennsic.archery
Archery Scorekeeper Robert the Gray  email archery.scorekeeper
Thrown Weapons
Arvik Hyttoinen email thrownweapons
Thrown Weapons
Maddoc MacRoyri email thrownweapons.deputy
Thrown Weapons
Region 1 Marshal
Rikardr Vid-Bjorn email region1thrownweapons
Thrown Weapons
Region 2 Marshal
Kumagaya Kentarou Masamoto email region2thrownweapons
Thrown Weapons
Region 3 Marshal
Arvik Hyttoinen email region3thrownweapons
Thrown Weapons
Region 4 Marshal
Thalia Papillon email region4thrownweapons
Thrown Weapons
Region 5 Marshal
Snorri skyti Bjaransson email region5thrownweapons
Thrown Weapons
Perote Gormal Campbell email thrownweapons.scorekeeper
Equestrian Marshal Gesa von Wellenstein email equestrian
Kingdom Authorization Clerk Aemilia Soteria email authorization
Kingdom Minister of Lists Olyf Moorcroft email mol